Idaho Parent's Unlimited's Board of Directors

Idaho Parents Unlimited Board of Directors

We Are The Families We Serve

Region 1

Region 2
Allison Wright
Vice President

Sara Bennett

Region 3
Mary Gauthier

Lindsay Pevler

Region 4

Jennifer Johnson

Jacob H. Naylor

Ashley Lane

Natalie Donohoo

Region 5
Renae Deckard

Valerie Illguth

Region 6

Region 7
Shelley Andrus

Idaho Parents Unlimited Now Accepting Applications for the Board of Directors

One two-day face-to-face annual meeting and three quarterly board meetings (virtual) 

Term: three years

  • Board Members
  • Establish and maintain written policies
  • Adopt an annual budget and review financial reports
  • Approve or ratify the expenditures of IPUL
  • Spread knowledge of who IPUL is and what we do
  • Maintain, update and monitor mission statement, principles of operation, procedures and goals and objectives of IPUL, Secure adequate funds; participate in fund-raising activities, including making an annual personal gift
  • The majority of members are parents of children with a disability
  • Annually review the performance of IPUL’s Executive Director

    IPUL Mission: Idaho Parents Unlimited, Inc., supports empowers, educates and advocates to enhance the quality of life for Idahoans with disabilities and their families.

    IPUL Vision: Idaho Parents Unlimited, Inc., envisions inclusive and accessible communities, services, education, and opportunities for children and youth with disabilities and/or unique and special healthcare needs.