IPUL's Print Publications
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We’ve got our most requested handouts available for you here in digital PDF form so you can download them.
Now What ?
This is a pdf copy of IPUL’s Now What? Guide, updated to the current version.
You don’t know what you don’t know!
Start Here: A guide to understanding all of the areas of assistance that IPUL can provide to you and your family who are raising a child with a disability or special health care need in Idaho.
¿Y Ahora Qué?
Esta es una copia en PDF de la guía “¿Y Ahora Qué?” de IPUL, actualizada a la versión más reciente.
¡No sabes lo que no sabes!
Comienza aquí: Una guía para entender todas las áreas de apoyo que IPUL puede ofrecerte a ti y a tu familia mientras crían a un niño con una discapacidad o necesidades especiales de salud en Idaho.
Building a Bridge
This is a pdf copy of IPUL’s Building a Bridge Guide. This is Revision 2 of our current version.
Building a Bridge
A manual to help develop post school goals and transition activities and services
Building A Bridge from school to adult life for young adults with disabilities in Idaho
Both the English and Spanish versions of our Now What? guide have been updated to our current version of the guide information.
Building a Bridge is also updated to the second revision. Feel free to redownload a copy if you’ve grabbed one in the past.