IPUL's Youth Corner - November 2023

Youth Corner
Awareness Month
Homeless Youth Resources for you:
Statistics suggest that the national number of homeless youth or housing insecure are close to 2.5 million/year.
If you or someone you know is struggling with housing insecurity please follow this link to a map of Idaho access points:
There are laws and policies in place to ensure that all Idaho youth have access to free education and provide the resources needed to make that happen. Info link to detailed pamphlet:
Additional info/resources for homeless youth:
November is a month of awareness and support for various causes. Here are some links to learn about and get involved in supporting these important initiatives:
National Epilepsy Awareness Month:
Visit https://www.epilepsy.com/volunteer/spreading-awareness/national-epilepsy-awareness-month for information on spreading awareness and supporting those affected by epilepsy.
Diabetes Awareness Month: Learn about diabetes and find ways to support the cause at https://www.diabetes.org/diabetes-awareness-month
National Adoption Month: Get involved in promoting adoption and supporting families at https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/adoption/nam/
Youth Homelessness Awareness Month: Learn about the issue of youth homelessness and find ways to support organizations working to end it at https://www.covenanthouse.org/