IPUL's Family Personal Care Services Toolkit

IPUL's Family Personal Care Services Toolkit


Before the pandemic, federal and state rules did not allow family members who are legally responsible for someone to be paid caregivers. During the pandemic, this rule was temporarily changed to help families during the Public Health Emergency. In late 2023, Idaho extended this change using a special program called the 1115 demonstration waiver.  However, the department has realized that it doesn’t have enough staff or funding to manage this program properly.

Additionally, there have been several cases of suspected or confirmed misuse of the program that the department doesn’t have the resources to handle under its current setup, and is thus reverting back to the original policy.

In this toolkit you will find resources you can use to help navigate these changes.

This letter came out on January 10 from the Bureau of long-term care quality assurance team, letting people know that the timeline for shutting down the Family Personal Care Services has been extended as the department does not have approval from the partner agency yet, and it will need time once that is given to make the change.