Understanding Special Education Eligibility in Idaho
Navigating the special education system can feel overwhelming, but understanding the eligibility process is the first step in advocating for a child’s needs.

09/01/2024 Getting and Keeping Your First Job
SELF GUIDED TRAINING – Our getting and keeping your first job self-guided module is designed to help youth with disabilities build the skills they need to land that first job and keep it!

06/015/2024 What is IPUL?
SELF GUIDED TRAINING – This training will introduce you to Idaho Parents Unlimited and the incredible support we offer to families in Idaho

05/01/2024 Reading the Procedural Safeguards with Confidence and Ease
Whether you’re an educator, parent, or community provider, this course equips you with essential knowledge to navigate the complexities of special education. Learn how to effectively safeguard the rights of students with diverse needs, ensuring equitable access to quality education.

Self Guided Module: Building Bright Beginnings: Early Intervention and Developmental Pre-School
These modules focus on Equipping parents with the knowledge and resources needed to navigate the early intervention and developmental preschool options available for children.

Self Guided Module: Leveling Up: Transition to Adulthood
Life is full of transitions, and one of the more remarkable ones occurs when we get ready to leave high school and go out in the world as young adults. When the student has a disability, it’s especially helpful to plan ahead for that transition.
This informative module will explore the fundamental aspects of 504 plans, shedding light on the their purpose, implementation, and the crucial role they plan in supporting students with disabilities.

Self Guided Module: Accessibility and Inclusion – Understanding 504’s
Take our self-guided training, where we delve into the intricacies of 504 plans within the school setting.
This informative module will explore the fundamental aspects of 504 plans, shedding light on the their purpose, implementation, and the crucial role they plan in supporting students with disabilities.

Self Guided Module: Deciphering Idaho’s Medicaid Services
Deciphering Idaho’s Medicaid System (January 2024 edition)
“Has your child been newly diagnosed and you want to know what Idaho offers? Maybe your child is supported by the Family Directed pathway and you are curious how it differs from the Traditional pathway. Have you just moved to Idaho and want to know more about Idaho Medicaid services for children with disabilities or special healthcare needs? Then this training is for you!”

Self Guided Module: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
This self-paced training is designed to give background on the evidence based strategies of PBIS
Gain understanding on what PBIS can look like in your child’s school
Dive deep into evidence based practices
Understand the tiered framework with practical strategies

Self Guided Module: Deep Dive into the IEP
Deep Dive into the IEP
Are you ready to decode the IEP document? Our comprehensive training will guide you through the intricacies of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) helping you gain the knowledge and confidence to support your child’s unique Journey

10/01/2023 Self Guided Module: Dispute Resolution
Dispute Resolution
Are there strategies when the IEP team doesn’t agree?
– A deep dive into the procedural safeguards
– Options for resolving disputes
– Tips to build trust and communication

Self Guided Module : Advocacy 101: Champion for Change
Tell your story and become a champion for change.
What is systems change?
how sharing your story can impact change
Advocacy tips and tricks!