Capacitación Autoguiada: Análisis Profundo del IEP

text over an image of torn paper

¿Estás listo para descifrar el documento del IEP? Nuestra capacitación integral te guiará a través de las complejidades de los Programas de Educación Individualizados (IEP), ayudándote a adquirir el conocimiento y la confianza para apoyar el viaje único de tu hijo.

Self Guided Module: Deep Dive into the IEP

Deep Dive into the IEP

Are you ready to decode the IEP document?   Our comprehensive training will guide you through the intricacies of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) helping you gain the knowledge and confidence to support your child’s unique Journey

February 2023 – Developing Strength-Based IEP’s

Developing Strength-based IEP's

Learn about how to craft an IEP that leverages a student’s ability to help work on weaknesses
A way to combine standards-based IEP’s with a growth mindset that helps students believe they can improve their abilities
A process that can lead to more self-awareness and Self-Advocacy