03/05/2024 Regional Training Event – Health & Education Buffet in Idaho Falls

blue background with text boxes along the left side of the page are pictures of people on stage people in an audience and a black image of idaho with region 7 in light green

Join us for a special training day designed just for parents, where you’ll discover valuable insights to support your child’s educational journey. Our workshops cover essential topics in an easy-to-understand format:

Understanding Special Education: Explore the world of Special Education in a clear and practical way. Learn about resources, rights, and effective strategies to help your child thrive in school.

Positive Approaches at Home: Discover Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) tailored for home environments. Find out how to create a supportive and positive atmosphere, fostering your child’s social and emotional growth.

Navigating Idaho’s Medicaid for Your Child: Understand the role of Idaho’s Medicaid Systems in supporting your child’s educational needs. Learn about available services, how to access them, and make the most of these resources for your child’s development.

Join us for a day filled with insights, practical tips, and the chance to connect with other parents navigating similar paths. Together, let’s empower ourselves to advocate for our children’s success!

Self Guided Module: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

This self-paced training is designed to give background on the evidence based strategies of PBIS

Gain understanding on what PBIS can look like in your child’s school 
Dive deep into evidence based practices

Understand the tiered framework with practical strategies 

Self Guided Module: Deep Dive into the IEP

Deep Dive into the IEP

Are you ready to decode the IEP document?   Our comprehensive training will guide you through the intricacies of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) helping you gain the knowledge and confidence to support your child’s unique Journey

10/01/2023 Self Guided Module: Dispute Resolution

Title of the training: IPUL round logo in lower left corner

Dispute Resolution

Are there strategies when the IEP team doesn’t agree?

– A deep dive into the procedural safeguards
– Options for resolving disputes
– Tips to build trust and communication